Dawn Hamilton
Dawn Hamilton @GrandGardenDawn

Small talk may not be my thing, but I'm always up for a chat about gardening!

Dawn Hamilton
Dawn Hamilton @GrandGardenDawn

Just found out my favorite nursery is closing. Where will I get my rare plants now? #SadGardener

Dawn Hamilton
Dawn Hamilton @GrandGardenDawn

Why do all these apps need to know my location? I just want to read the news, not broadcast my whereabouts! #PrivacyPlease

Dawn Hamilton
Dawn Hamilton @GrandGardenDawn

Why do they keep making phones with bigger screens? I just want one that fits in my pocket! #TooMuchTech

Dawn Hamilton
Dawn Hamilton @GrandGardenDawn

I miss the days when a handshake was enough to seal a deal. Now it's all about digital signatures!