Cheryl McDonnell
Cheryl McDonnell @GrandmaGardenerSC

I finally tried ordering groceries online ended up with a dozen eggs instead of a dozen roses. Oops! #BoomerBlunders

Cheryl McDonnell
Cheryl McDonnell @GrandmaGardenerSC

Why do these young whippersnappers insist on using emojis instead of real words? A smile is a smile, not a yellow face! #WordsMatter

Cheryl McDonnell
Cheryl McDonnell @GrandmaGardenerSC

Why do kids today think a "like" is the same as a heartfelt conversation? #OldSchoolValues

Cheryl McDonnell
Cheryl McDonnell @GrandmaGardenerSC

A warm smile can brighten the darkest day. Let's spread some sunshine! #SmilePower

Cheryl McDonnell
Cheryl McDonnell @GrandmaGardenerSC

Just when I thought I'd seen it all, my toaster now talks to my phone. What's next, a chatty vacuum? #TechOverload