Carlton Hodges
Carlton Hodges @OldTimerCarl

Public transit? In my day, trains ran on time and people respected schedules. #BackToBasics

Carlton Hodges
Carlton Hodges @OldTimerCarl

Why do these darn coffee shops think I want pumpkin spice in everything? Give me a plain old cup of joe! #KeepItSimple

Carlton Hodges
Carlton Hodges @OldTimerCarl

These new social media trends are just clutter. Where's the substance? #BringBackRealConversations

Carlton Hodges
Carlton Hodges @OldTimerCarl

Remember when we used to write letters by hand? Now it's all emails and texts. #LostArt

Carlton Hodges
Carlton Hodges @OldTimerCarl

Why do these 'stories' disappear after a day? If it's worth sharing, it should last longer! #OldSchoolThinking