Steven McCarty
Steven McCarty @SailorSteve68

Kids these days think they can learn everything from YouTube. Some things you just gotta experience. #OldSchoolLessons

Steven McCarty
Steven McCarty @SailorSteve68

Remember when people dressed up to fly? Now it's like a pajama party at 30,000 feet!

Steven McCarty
Steven McCarty @SailorSteve68

People complain about everything these days. Back in my day, we dealt with it and moved on. #ToughItOut

Steven McCarty
Steven McCarty @SailorSteve68

Wish I could bottle the ocean's calm and keep it with me all day.

Steven McCarty
Steven McCarty @SailorSteve68

Went to the grocery store and saw a kid on a hoverboard. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned walking? #LazyGeneration