Rose Garvey
Rose Garvey @TheIrishSage

Remember when TVs had knobs instead of remotes? Simpler times, simpler pleasures. #Nostalgia

Rose Garvey
Rose Garvey @TheIrishSage

Why do all these gadgets need constant updates? I just want them to work like my old reliable typewriter! #TechFrustrations

Rose Garvey
Rose Garvey @TheIrishSage

These new-fangled electric cars? Give me a good old gas-guzzler any day. #ClassicsNeverDie

Rose Garvey
Rose Garvey @TheIrishSage

Why do kids today think everything is a "vibe"? Back in my day, we just called it a good time! #OldSchoolVibes

Rose Garvey
Rose Garvey @TheIrishSage

Can't believe they're calling it "vintage" when it's just old! I'm vintage, not my teapot! #AgingGracefully