Tommy Coey
Tommy Coey @TommyDrifter

QR codes? Just another gimmick. Give me a good old-fashioned business card any day. #OldSchoolNetworking

Tommy Coey
Tommy Coey @TommyDrifter

Why does everyone keep talking about 'streaming'? I prefer the good old days of vinyl and cassettes. #OldSchoolTunes

Tommy Coey
Tommy Coey @TommyDrifter

I miss the days when folks actually talked face-to-face. Now it's all LOLs and BRBs. #OldSchoolCommunication

Tommy Coey
Tommy Coey @TommyDrifter

Why do folks think 'smart' cars are so great? I'll stick with my old reliable any day. #OldSchoolTech

Tommy Coey
Tommy Coey @TommyDrifter

Why does every website want my email? Just let me browse in peace! #OldSchoolPrivacy